Brunswick Lake

County Pond, also known as Brunswick Lake, is a 157-acre impoundment that offers a large expanse of open water to explore for wildlife. Scan the numerous trees along the banks for perched belted kingfishers or listen for their far-carrying rattle as they fly back and forth across the water. During winter and migration, a variety of waterfowl drop in to feed and rest in these waters. Look for blue-winged teal and wood ducks in the shallows, and perhaps lesser scaups or other diving ducks in deeper water. The woods along the bank are filled with woodland species, such as tufted titmice and blue jays while the American goldfinch’s tinkling call can often be heard as they fly overhead.

Check amongst the thick growth of jewelweed for butterflies such as the silver-spotted skipper and the intricately patterned pearl crescent. The area is also great for dragonflies, with dozens of tiny eastern amberwings hovering close to shore, and stately slaty skimmers cruising the banks, joined by eastern pondhawks and blue dashers which occur in great numbers.

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Charlotte State Forest